Measures against late payment

In compliance with Law 15/2010, of July 5, modifying Law 3/2004, of December 29, which establishes measures to combat late payment in commercial operations, AVES NOBLES Y DERIVADOS, S.L. declares that:

  • The average payment period to suppliers in fiscal year 2023 has been 30.64 days, being within the limits set by current legislation, which establishes a limit of up to 60 days for non-perishable products, subject to prior agreement between the parties.
  • The number of invoices paid, in a period less than the maximum established in the late payment regulations in fiscal year 2023, has been 11,109, representing 86% of the total number of invoices to suppliers; The monetary volume of these invoices is €115,276,122.67, representing 81% of the total monetary payments to suppliers.